Robert Clegg: Creating a Customer Experience Strategy


 Customer Experience Strategy

Welcome to the Robert Clegg blog. Every customer that visits your store will have an experience. And experiences can leave a lasting impression, whether good or bad. With the current climate throwing even more obstacles in the way for retail business owners, it's important to prepare a strategy for managing customer experience.

In this article, Robert Clegg shares about customer experience strategies and how to create your own. 
Customer experience is an important part of customer relationship management and often reflects how a customer feels about the company and its offerings. While customer service plays a significant role in this, there’s certainly more to it than that.

The first step towards creating an experience that your customers will like is to...find out what they like. To help you along with this, try creating customer profiles that flesh out your ideal customers as if they were real people. 

By offering surveys to customers (with an incentive to fill it in) you can find out what they currently like about your store and what they feel is lacking.

After gathering your research, you need to look at what your customers want, then determine what you can offer, and define your goals from there. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between what your customers want and what is achievable for your store.

After defining your goals, it’s time to implement them in your store. And it starts with your employees. To encourage your employees to create amazing experiences, share the customer feedback that you collected. his will help you to collect additional feedback to find out if customers are enjoying their experiences or if further changes are required.

To conclude... An amazing customer experience strategy can be the difference between someone being a one-time purchaser and a lifelong mega-fan of your store.

Rob Clegg is on a mission is to help people grow their business, plain and simple.Visit the Rob Clegg website here. Read more about Robert Clegg on his page here. Follow the Robert Clegg Love to ride page.

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